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Paediatric First Aid

Learn Life-Saving First Aid Skills For Infants & Children

Carers of children and infants will benefit hugely from learning about paediatric first aid. Knowing what to do when a medical emergency occurs can have a significant effect on the outcome and can even save lives. We are an accredited first aid training provider and run paediatric and infant first aid courses throughout Plymouth and South Devon for small and large groups of parents, teachers, nursery staff, health visitors and more. We can also run a private course for your organisation to ensure the training is aligned with your individual needs. For further information and to book a place, get in touch today.

Types Of Courses

Our accredited courses cover every level, and in addition to our workplace and occupation based paediatric first aid courses for teachers, nursery staff, forest school teachers, nannies and au pairs, we also provide the following:

First Aid Courses For Parents

As well as providing professional training for people that work with children, we also offer courses for parents that want to equip themselves with the knowledge they need to be able to act quickly when an accident or emergency arises. When you train with us you will learn about:

Book Your Place Today

Book your place on a paediatric first aid course with MTL Training today.

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